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you'll love.

At soal, we’re redefining the way you discover emerging artists and your (soon to be) favorite artworks.

“soal feels fresh, modern, and relatable”

“soal makes finding new art approachable”

“really excited to discover art here”

“soal feels fresh, modern, and relatable” “soal makes finding new art approachable” “really excited to discover art here”

Not sure where to start? soal is that friend who knows you well and has great taste.

Be a part of a growing
community of art enthusiasts.

Let us be your personal guide to more cultural participation.

Join the app waitlist to get early access to the beta :)

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Interested in art but not sure what art you like? Or where to start? We can help you with that. soal personalizes the discovery process by getting to know your preferences over time.

  • soal stands for the “signature of all life.” We believe that art is the signature of all life; it is a form of personal expression and a way for us to leave a mark on contemporary culture. In a world where many often feel disconnected, art reminds us that we are all connected. It represents pieces of us that we uniquely express, together. And in the world of art, soal is the place to discover, connect and celebrate.

  • Are you an art enthusiast or someone interested to learn more about emerging artists and contemporary culture? Often times people feel that being interested in art is reserved for those who know how to collect, but that’s not what we believe. If you’ve tried to look before but hit a wall or felt overwhelmed, then soal is for you!

  • Click the join beta button to start your journey.

  • We’re working to feature emerging artists from around the world. Fill out this form here to get in touch!